السبت، 7 مارس 2009


what is the true friend??
how can we find him??
does he have existance or he is just a fuck of mind??

in the past, our teachers at the different stages of school always told us that friedship is the most important thing sthat we should care about,, and we have to get ourselves real friends who stand by us in the different situations and give us the support we need whenever we need them without even asking for it,,
outside school the same ppl kept telling us that the "true friend" is a legendry fairy tale and we'd better not even try to find him or go for a non-existing hope,, after all, when it's u or him, no one ever would choose u,, that's what they told us and the likes of the man i hate most "dr. mahmoud" always said,, so i simply decided to let life learn me and show me if i can get that legendry fellow someday or i will turn to one of those who don't believe in his existance,, and life didn't fail me

Allah always put the right ppl on my way,, i don't have much luck with my family,, frankly i hate them all,, but Allah have gaven me the good friends instead throughout my life,, i've met nice ppl like those i don't remember their names and met good mates and special friends,, but among them all,, there's only one and i repeat again only one who really proved to be the best friend i've ever got,, he's proved to be that legendry non-existing "true friend",, this man is called CONAN,,

when i go back in mind till the very first year of high school,, i remember how i stepped into that new world,, being bot social,, it wasn't easy for me to make friends or so,, but Allah destinied me to meet you conan,, i don't remember the very start of us,, but iremember everything happened after that,, since u've proved to be a good,, modest,, moral,, wise,, loveable,, supportive,, carey,, enthusiastic and most important most faithfull fellow,, u could easily get me in the world of ur friendship in which i really find me,,
for over five fruitful years now as close friends,, i can remember everything,, no,, every little thing u've don'r for me,, i can remember ur endless support and pushing forward when i drop,, although i haven't been such a good friend to you,, bt u've shown me how it is great to have a true friend,,
most of the events and troubles that we've lived together are private and not valid for publishing,, but i think it's enough for us that we both remember them,,

conan, my dearest,, how can u be that nice person?? how can u simply put me at number one not on ur list but in ur life,, throughout alot of me-or-u points u gently and lovingly have choosed the "u" and put me ahead of u,,
what can i call u??
how can i describe u??

whatever happens i can never forget ur constant support which i always needed,, even when i behave badly to u, u stick to me and keep supporting me,,
whatever i say i'll never meet ur right,,

now when i think again i get to change my mind and believe that the "true friend" can't be found among the humans,, coz u r not less than a perfect angel,,

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