الثلاثاء، 27 يناير 2009

10 things I hate about you

1-ignorance.. you're so ignorant in comparison with your siblings and buddies...

2-fail.. you always show high ability to fail, and i think your life is nothing but series of continuous failure..

3-following others' mistakes.. of which the holly qur'an warned..

4-your extra long tongue that reachs everyone and everything whoever and whatever they are..

5-your refusal to accept others' success when you can't make one for your own(don't even think to deny)

6-that you suck bad..

7-that you're really inferior to everyone you know(hey i know you are reading this now)..

8-that you're a real psycho..

9-that you sometimes cross your believes(hush)

10-that i can't find number ten..

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