السبت، 25 مايو 2019

a touching moment - dear teacher

last night in the gym, while doing the lat. dumbbell raise, it's quite a nasty exercise for almost everyone

i was trying a new higher weight than usual which made it even worse
so, as it happens, one of the guys at the gym came to help.. this happens all the time

the thing is.. this time the guy was not just a guy, he was a man.. and a very honorable one if i may

he was my English teacher in secondary school who goes to the same gym.. this might be something ordinary and happens like all the time, we all help each other do the hard lifts.. but this one touched me..

he was my teacher and a very pioneer one back then, he taught me, helped me upgrade my knowledge and language.. this was like 15 years ago or more
and now he is there again, right on time to help me upgrade and become a better version of whatever I'm up to..

i am much more than happy and proud to be one of your students dear Mr. Waleed Assad which i will be thankful for till the very last day of my life

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