الأربعاء، 6 مايو 2009

عندما يجتمع الحقراء على.. "محدود الدخل مظلوم الغلبان"

برنامج القاهرة اليوم اللى بيتذاع على قناة اليوم ضمن قنوات مجموعة اوربت بقى من اهم البرامج اللى بتشد انتباه المواطن المصرى والعربى فى الوقت الحالى.. وخصوصا بعد ما اثبت قوته على مدار حوالى 5 سنوات.. مع اسلوب مذيعه الاساسى "عمرو اديب" الظريف اللى يخليك لازم تسمعه..

بالنسبة ليا انا من اشد "اللى مش معجبين خالص" بعمرو اديب والبرنامج بتاعه.. عمؤو اعلامى شاطر.. للاسف شاطر جدا كمان وبيعرف كويس اوى ازاى يوصل للناس من مختلف الطبقات رغم ات البرنامج بتاعه بيوحى انه معمول لمخلوقات تانية غير اللى عايشين فى مصر..
عمرو كمان من الواضح ان عنده علاقات كويسة مع صانعى القرار فى الدولة وده بيبان يمكن فى انفراداته الاعلامية ونوعية لقاءاته.. وطريقة كلامه

المهم انى امبارح وانا قاعد بالليل بتفرج على التليفيزيون(14 بوصة وبوستين حاجة بالصلى على النبى تشوف فيها المذيع قطع) لقيت عمرو مستضيف اخوه وشريكه فى مجموعة اوربت الاعلامى-زى ما بيقولوا- "عماد اديب".. عماد برده من المتحدثين اللى بيعرفوا ازاى يقنعوك بكلامهم حتى لو كان هيقول ان "الشمس بتشرق من الغرب وابو الهول بيرقص فى شارع الهرم".. هتقتنع يعنى هتقتنع.
بصراحة فى كام نقطة شدتنى فى الحوار اللى سببلى نوع من ال (bubble-sac hypertrophy) ويا ريت ما تسألوش ايه ده..

-اول حاجة اتناولوا موضوع التوريث وقالوا ان جمال مبارك لاول مرة لم ينف تطلعه للحكم فى مصر لما اتسال عن التوريث فى البرنامج اللى استضافه على قناة BBC..
وهنا بقى عمرو حب يستخدم اسلوبه الناجح وضميره الرخيص عشان يفرض على الشعب واقع ان جمال هيكون الريس.. وقال بالنص.. "احنا خلاص ما بقيناش فى مرحلة توريث ومش توريث وليه جمال.. احنا بقينا فى مرحلة y not??.. الناس دلوقتى بدأت تقول ان اللى يعرفوه احسن من اللى مش يعرفوه وان جمال احسن من غيره".. طبعا دى كانت محاولة حقيرة من انسان اكثر حقارة ل"توجيه" الرأى العام الى انه يسلم بجمال كرأيس ومش يعترض على "توريثه" الحكم -ومش بقول انتخابه لا سمح الله.. عيب احنا فى مصر-..
وللاسف ان فى ناس كتير من الملايين اللى بتابعه وبترميله ودنها هينخدعوا بالكلام ده وممكن مع استمراره-اصل لسه فاضل سنة ونص على البتاعة اللى بيقولوا عليها انتخابات-ممكن يوصل الناس فعلا لمرحلة انها تقبل بموضوع التوريث وان ده حاجة عادية وحلوة وزى الفل..

-تانى حاجة عماد قال.. "الرئيس فى مصر-ربنا يطول فى عمره ويحكم بلد تانية-شايل كل اعباء الدولة على كاهله وكل المشاكل لازم تتحل بقراراته الحاسمه.. وانه -الله يعينه-فعلا فى مسؤليه مرهقة ومتعبة(فى ظل غياب الحياة السياسية وضعف الاحزاب بالاضافة لعف الجكومة نفسها)" وكمان قال ان احنا لما بنبص لأوباما-مش عارف مين دخله فى الموضوع-لازم نعرف اننا بنبص لمؤسسة كاملة متكونة من 5000 شخص شايلينه.. فى حين فى مصر.. الرئيس هو اللى شايل الدولة كلها-قدرات بقى-..
طبعا قبل ما اقول كلمة من تلات حروف اولها الف واخرها الف او تاء مربوطة-حسب المذهب- واوسطها حاااااااااااااء.. احب اقول ان الراجل للى اسمه عماد ده.. فى الطراوة
..اول حاجة مبارك فعلا كل المواضيع المصيرية بتتحل-صوريا فقط- بقرار شخصى منه زى مثلا ازمة حبس الصحفيين(اتحلت بدليل استمرار حبس البعض ومحاكمة البعض الاخر) وكادر المعلمين(اتحلت بدليل ان المعلمين بيتذلوا عشان ياخدوا الكادر والحمدلله لسه ما شموش ريحته) وكمان حرب غزة(ماهو اصل مبارك اللى خلى اسرائيل تطلع منها بعد 21 يوم... هع هع كدبة ابريل).. السبب فى كل ده ان مبارك نفسه هو اللى خلى نظام الحكم فى مصر بالشكل ده.. لازم كل حاجة تكون بقرار منه وكل حاجة تحصل يكون هو السبب فيها.. وهى دى الديموقراطية..

..تانى حاجة ضعف الحياة السياسية فى مصر مبارك نفسه(ان كان هو اللى بيحكم) او اللى حواليه(لو كان مدحوك عليه زى فيلم طباخ الريس ما بيقول)هو اللى قتل الحياة السياسية فى مصر ومش محتاجين كلام فى النقطة دى.. كفاية الناس تبص للى جرى فى حزب الوفد والغد واللى جرا لايمن نور وغيرهم..

..تالت حاجة اسمحولى اسال عماد هو مين المسؤل عن فشل الحكومة.. لا فشل الحكومات المتتالية؟؟ مش اللى جابهم برضه؟؟ بس بصراحة الريس مقصرش لما حس بفشل الحكومة قام غير "وزير الرى" و "وزيرة وزارة كدة مالهاش لازمة" باعتبار ان وزير الرى هو سبب تأخر النهضة وتدهور جميع الاوضاع فى مصر

.. رابع حاجة... أحـــ.......................................................................(على فكرة الكلمة دى مش عيب)

-طبعا انا بعد ما سمعت الكلام ده وجاتلى الحالة اللى ذكرتها فوق.. حسيت ان كدة فعلا كفاية وانى لازم اقوم من قدامهم بس عشان النقطة تكمل اكتشفت ان البرنامج كان خلص وانى والحمدلله اخدت الجرعة كاملة..

-للاسف ان فى ناس بالحقارة وانعدام الضمير بالشكل ده بيخاطبوا الشعب المصرى.. والأسوأ ان الناس بتتأثر بيهم وبتصدقهم.. ومع استمرار المذيعين اللى مدفوعولهم دول و استمرار استماعنا ليهم.. الشعب هيتحول فى يوم من الايام-ده بالنسبة للى لسه ما اتحولش- الى شخصية برنامج "اللى فات سات"الشهيرة.. محدود الدخل مظلوم الغلبان

a knight's tale

i've a story to tell,,

there was a knight who lived in the wood,, it was his home and he just spent all his days and nights wandering inside it,, his horse was his only fellow and his sword was all that he had,, he liked his life the way it was although it was full of troubles and dangers,, he had to fight the worst nightmares anyone would ever have to survive,,

one day,, when he was riding under the tall trees that covered the sun rays making the wood creepy,, he found by chance a glamorus diamond that looked much more beautiful than any other thing he'd seen throught his adventure-rich life,, he got off and held it,, kept looking at it charmed by its charm,,
the diamond was cursed,, a fiercely strong witch had cursed it,,she had casted a spell on it so that it would attract anyone who look at it,, the poor knight couldn't help but falling for the diamond and its charm,, he forgot his horse,, he gave up on his sword and forgot everything he was meant to be,, he just realised that he had that endless beauty and must not take his eyes off of it for a second,,
him holding his precious,, days passed and passed,, he missed lots of events and lost lots of that he never had,, he let go his horse,, left his sword for the air to rust,, he forgot the taste of risk of adventures,, the sense of freedom, time, pain.. and even hunger,, he was totally subdoed for the diamond,,

one day he opened his eyes in the early morning as he used to do to find that his precious diamond's gone,, for a while he could understand nothing,, not even a single idea could wander in his mind,,
the diamon was lost and vanished with no evidence of where it could be,, he went mad and went on a mad desperate search for it without a reaslut,,
he spent hard days and long nights crying for his loss and desperately seeking his diamond back,, but in vain,,

after he got set free from the curse,, he looked around to find that he'd lost his only fellow and his weapon as well,, it took him a while to understand everything he lost and missed,, but he finally knew how much bad his loss was,, he regretted ever getting off his horse,, and he realised that the knight has to stick to his horse and sword and that he should never fall for anything else,,

it is more than a story in fact,,
it's a knight's tale

random II

-love is the greatest sin ever.

-it's really hard when u have to live with someone who don't know how to deal with HUMANs.

-it's redicilous when u know u r on the wrong way and just fix ur feet to it more and more.

-however love may look bright,, be sure that u've signed a contract with "soul eaters" with the very first step into it.

-i've always wanned to live here,, in egypt,, but now i do want to move out,, coz i now reealise the fact i tried to forget,, i'll always be errant.

-i always say it's not me fault,, but i know inside that i'm the only reason for that shits i live.

-happiness is gonna be seen no more in my life,, i've chosen the most miserable way to walk on.

-never expect the others to satisfy u,, coz simply u never satisfy any.

-I need to besaved from myself.

-I'm so not-that-u-think-i-should-be,,i really do mean this.

-i've always wanned to be a knight,, everyone else have alwayes wanned me to be a doctor,, now i know wt i am gonna be.. an errant,, just errant

-love is a killer,, friends are liers,, ppl r losers and everything is this world seally do suck bad.

-I hate myself for causing me all this pain,, but i swear i'm very happy that i am... me

-one of my best quotes.. "life fucks everyone"

i just wanna be... me

the difference between life now and in the past few years is just like the difference between life in a big city and a small ville,, in the not-so-far past the world wasn't that opened and the means of communication were really poor,, this allowed limited expansion of the relationships of the different types,, but now it's totally different,, the internet has made it easy for everyone to reach new horizons,, see different cultures,, know new ppl,, make relationships with them and... lie to 'em

through the internet ppl meet without meeting,, know each other without even knowing each other,, form opinions with very few hints,, so it's easy to fool someone on the web by any fake pic u wanna them get about u,,
the worst thing ever is when we know asomeone and start to build bridges in the mind to put them on their tops as we see 'em as if they were heavenly creatures and get shocked by their reality oneday,,

ppl on the internet are of two main types,,
-the first one is those who just act like wt they really are,, without faking their reality,, and they are very rare to find,, but they exist,,

-the second one is those who just pretend like they were heavenly made and just came to this world from paradise itself,, such ppl are too many and most possible to come across if u r addict to the social utilities that are spread on the net like flies,,
i think such a type exists for the reason that humans always tend to be perfect and when they can't,, they pretend to be so,,

now why should i talk about this??
well,, i've my own experience and there are cases when i knew ppl on the internet and they've proven to be very not-that-i-thought-they-are,, i was fooled by the perfect film they enclosed their personalities with and i really hated 'em much when i got to know how they are in real,,
i don't claim that all the internet users are losers(by the two meanings if u plz),, no,, i've met ppl who are really nice and um sure that when i get the chance to know 'em in real my opinion will stay the same,, but i'm just sayin' that we shouldn't get our eyes faked by the bright lights put on our way,,

as for me,, i can't evaluate meself,, but i do believe that i'm tryin' my best to be just me,, for instance,, i consider my page on FB like a mirror to my life,, i act here like the way i do in real(as far as i can see),, and that's why i don't mind swearing or taking a nude painting as a profile pictue,, here i just watch my language by the same way i do in real,,
we all have our great sins,, but i believe that i shouldn't do what i can't reveal,, and i reveal my dark side as i reveal my bright one(if i have any),,
i think it's better when those who deal with me on the internet know exactly wt i am and wt i can do,, it's better for them and me to know me reality from the very first beginings then being fooled for so long,,
so to all who dislike my language,, ideas,, or any other thing i do here on FB,, be sure that i just wanna be me,, and that's exactly wt iam,,

a final word,, mariah said once in a song.. "take me as iam"
